英雄传说6:空之轨迹The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
制作公司:Nihon Falcom
发行公司:XSEED Games, Marvelous USA, Inc.
- [PC]《英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC》免安装绿色版[STEAM版整合5号升级档]
- [PC]《英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC》免DVD光盘版[STEAM版]
- [PC]《英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC》(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)七项修改器[适用Steam版](感谢游侠会员沉思千年原创制作)
- [PC]英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)10号升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版[适用Steam版]
- [PC]英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)Build20150116升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版
- [PC]英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)Build20150820升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版
- [PC]《英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC》(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)20141020升级档两项修改器MrAntiFun版
- [PC]英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)6号升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版[适用Steam版]
- [PC]英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)10号升级单独免DVD补丁CPY版[适用Steam版]
- [PC]英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)9号升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版[适用Steam版]
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky)Build20170503升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版[修正版]2017-05-04
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky)Build20170320升级档单独免DVD补丁CPY版[修正版]2017-04-14
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky)Build20170320升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版[修正版]2017-04-14
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)Build20161208升级档单独免DVD补丁CPY版2016-12-10
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)Build20161208升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版2016-12-10
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)Build20160116升级档单独免DVD补丁CPY版2016-11-08
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)Build20160116升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版2016-11-08
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)Build20150820升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版2015-09-02
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)Build20150610升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版2015-06-11
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)Build20150510升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版2015-06-01
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)Build20150116升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版2015-01-24
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)Build20150107升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版2015-01-14
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)30号(Build20141230.2)升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版[适用Steam版]2014-12-31
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)30号(Build20141230)升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版[适用Steam版]2014-12-31
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)Build20141212升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版[适用Steam版]2014-12-13
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)Build20141211升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版[适用Steam版]2014-12-12
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)Build20141105升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版[适用Steam版]2014-12-12
- 《英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC》(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)20141020升级档两项修改器MrAntiFun版2014-10-24
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)20140927升级档两项修改器MrAntiFun版2014-10-15
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)10号升级单独免DVD补丁CPY版[适用Steam版]2014-08-08
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)10号升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版[适用Steam版]2014-08-08
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)9号升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版[适用Steam版]2014-08-07
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)8号升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版[适用Steam版]2014-08-06
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)7号升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版[适用Steam版]2014-08-04
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)6号升级档单独免DVD补丁CPY版[适用Steam版]2014-08-04
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)6号升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版[适用Steam版]2014-08-02
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)5号升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版[适用Steam版]2014-07-31
- 《英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC》(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)七项修改器[适用Steam版](感谢游侠会员沉思千年原创制作)2014-07-31
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky)Build20170503升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版[修正版]2017-05-04
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky)Build20170320升级档单独免DVD补丁CPY版[修正版]2017-04-14
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky)Build20170320升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版[修正版]2017-04-14
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)Build20161208升级档单独免DVD补丁CPY版2016-12-10
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)Build20161208升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版2016-12-10
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)Build20160116升级档单独免DVD补丁CPY版2016-11-08
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)Build20160116升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版2016-11-08
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)Build20150820升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版2015-09-02
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)Build20150610升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版2015-06-11
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)Build20150510升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版2015-06-01
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)Build20150116升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版2015-01-24
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)Build20150107升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版2015-01-14
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)30号(Build20141230.2)升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版[适用Steam版]2014-12-31
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)30号(Build20141230)升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版[适用Steam版]2014-12-31
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)Build20141212升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版[适用Steam版]2014-12-13
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)Build20141211升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版[适用Steam版]2014-12-12
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)Build20141105升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版[适用Steam版]2014-12-12
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)10号升级单独免DVD补丁CPY版[适用Steam版]2014-08-08
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)9号升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版[适用Steam版]2014-08-07
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)6号升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版[适用Steam版]2014-08-02
- 英雄传说6:空之轨迹FC(The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC)5号升级档+免DVD补丁CPY版[适用Steam版]2014-07-31