【游侠新闻】导读:着名作家Richard Morgan是《孤岛危机2》的编剧,前几天其称《使命召唤6》剧情是“不知所云”,前天又表示《光晕》“乱七八糟”。真不知这个大嘴巴什么时候能消停消停。
Richard Morgan
着名作家Richard Morgan是《孤岛危机2》的编剧。在这两天中,他分别评价了ps3,x360其中3款的fps。
“It was a massive stepdown from CoD4. What I thought when I played it was, ’Jesus guys, what have you been doing? You’ve not ramped anything up. The story is worse and the game doesn’t really hang together, it’s just a bunch of mission levels.”
“I don’t like the Halo at all. The reason that its fiction doesn’t work has nothing to do with the fact that you don’t get to see Master Chief’s face, it’s because of lines like ‘Okay … I’m gonna get up there and kill those guys’,”
而到了今天,记者问及《孤岛危机2》的画面可否与《杀戮地带2》(killzone 2),uncharted 2及《战神3》相提并论,他回答:虽然我只是这个游戏的作家,但制作人都会向我展示游戏的画面及进度,现在《孤岛危机2》只是到了Alpha 阶段,就我的观察而言,画面绝对比killzone 2好。
“As the lead writer of Crysis 2, they have numerous times showed me Crysis 2. This way i can visualise the scenes and scripts for the story events. I can tell you now What I have seen of Crysis 2 in Alpha Stages, Surpasses Killzone 2”